Saturday, June 05, 2010

APP_CODE vs Class Library

Basically, beginners like me, love app_code, like the writer below, i too experience slowness in VS, when i use APP_CODE, so now it makes more sense, so anyways the article below explains why app_codes slows alot of things down, once very critical thing about app_code is (if one class has err, whole side GOES down) unlike class library..


Every time you make a change to a file in the App_Code directory, this invalidates the Visual Studio's internal cache of classes in this folder. The very next time you try to open a designer for an ASPX page or ASCX control, VS has to re-compile this folder to get the metadata it needs for the design-time rendering of the control. This can cause the IDE to slow to a crawl.  One the classes are cached, things speed up significantly in the IDE.

Info about Bin & AppCode as explained by MSDN:

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