Friday, November 28, 2014

Recommended Videos (For Learning)

Recently, as im trying to understand Agile/ SCRUM concepts, i started to download a bunch of youtube videos via Dirpy. Then loaded the 100MB++ MP4 video into my Android Phone, and played them while i drive to work.

Since they are mostly presentation, the audio is what i hear and the occasion glance at a change in slide. Some videos were really good, (especially if the speaker is engaging) some are really Boring, rather i zone out. Here are list of recommended videos (that will be updated regularly)

1. Transforming to an Agile PMO
I loved the 'source of big waste' and the Practical example, its really a great follow up presentation after you get the basic concepts of agile and want to see "what actual real things do people in agile so as in report, tracking etc". Presenter presents well, do feel engaged most of the time.
Rating: 7/10
2. Scott 

2. Hanselman's Intro to Xamarin 'How C# Saved My Marriage, Enchanced My Career, and Made Me an Inch Taller'

If you have seen Scott Hanselman in action, its the most entertaining and educational presentation ever, really funny, i enjoyed it so much and was inspired to research about ASYNC in C# 5.0
Rating: 9/10

3. Agile Connect 2011 - How to Write Great User Stories: Defining Customer Value

Good explanation on ideas to improve requirement gathering/ user stories
Rating: 7/10

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